Thursday, November 29, 2007

An Introduction

Welcome to Avant-Women Writers: A Conversation.

This space is set up for open dialogue between readers, texts, and writers, in conjunction with a course I'm teaching at Saint Mary's College next spring called, you guessed it, Avant-Women Writers.

Here's the course description: Unlike many English literature courses, which tend to focus on the "dead, white male," this class flips the old paradigm for something new: female writers who push the limits of writing as an art form who are still alive and kicking and writing and challenging! This course invites the conversation between reader, text, and writer to emerge as a new "possibility-space" for the study of literature. Students will engage in active dialogues with these avant women writers through author interviews and blog participation. It is through this interaction that we can learn how and why these women are "avant," why they do not submit to the status quo but struggle against it fiercely.

Welcome to everybody! I hope you linger, post, comment, and play here long after the semester ends.